Challenging Fish And Wildlife Violations
Some of the best elk and deer hunting in the U.S. Northwest make Grays Harbor County and Pacific County premier destinations in the United States. Every year, thousands of sportsmen come to the area for hunting and fishing trips, and every year, authorities charge many of them for violating state and federal regulations.
If you have received a citation for violating state or federal fish and wildlife laws, call The Law Office of David Hatch, Inc. Attorney David Hatch, our founder, has over 25 years of criminal defense experience, including successful representation in cases involving fishing and hunting regulations.
Local Representation If You Don’t Live In The Area
If you were charged with a violation while visiting from another part of the country, we may be able to help you without making it necessary for you to return to the area. Every case is different and special circumstances apply.
Many people come out to this part of Washington to hunt, fish or dig clams and are surprised to learn that civilization doesn’t end at the town borders. Fish and wildlife limits are subject to strict regulations.
Our Pacific coast beach is a highway and drivers must obey the rules of the road. Whether you made an error in judgment or simply didn’t understand laws, we can help you avoid the serious penalties of a game violation or potential conviction off your record.
Creating A Strong Case For A Range Of Offenses
David Hatch is the right fish and wildlife violations defense lawyer to call for:
- Hunting violations, poaching
- Fishing without a license
- Clamming violations, exceeding the limit
- Boating under the influence of alcohol
- DUI offenses and serious traffic violations (other than speeding)
- Criminal trespassing
- Destruction of public property
Work With A Local, Proven Attorney
Arrange a detailed case review by completing our contact form or by calling our toll-free number: 800-219-0512. Our office is located in Montesano, but we represent clients throughout Grays Harbor County, Pacific County and the surrounding area.